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Learn About HD

HSC Booklets and Publications

In an effort to expand our services to HD families, and to the general public, the following publications are available to download.

The Huntington Society is a charitable organization dependent on public support.  A donation of any amount to the Society would help us to continue to make publications such as the ones listed here available to the public. 

We have listed our publications in alphabetical order by topic. You can access the publication by clicking on the link below the topic. 

Advanced Stages of HD

Carer’s Guide for HD

Genetic Testing

Juvenile Huntington Disease

Loss and Grief

Personal Perspectives on Genetic Testing

Physician’s Guide

Physiotherapy Clinical Guidelines

Resource  Strategies for Caring for Individual with HD

Understanding Behaviour in Huntington Disease

Understanding Huntington Disease: A Resource for Families


Access our resources by clicking on the links below:

HD Brochures HD Fact Sheets Other Resources 


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