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The Final Stretch

Less than 100 km of walking to complete the Camino de Santiago. We are so happy to be in the
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Are HD Clinical Trials Measuring the Right Outcome Measure?

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neurological condition. Two factors that impede clinical trials in the HD space are the
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A Day of Rest in Leon…

Woke up this morning on our only rest day so far, in Leon. We went to mass in the absolutely
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Canadian insurers out-of-date on genetic testing, says non-profit group

The CLHIA’s opposition to the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act ignores lessons learned in other nations, according to non-profit group The Canadian
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The Adventure Continues…

We just completed 2 weeks or 325 km of our amazing adventure on the Camino de Santiago. Our best night
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Global HD Organizations Launch Collaborative Advocacy Group

Earlier today, it was announced that 3 global Huntington’s disease (HD) patient advocacy organizations have teamed up to create a
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Founders Walk raises nearly $24,000 for Huntington’s disease research, treatment

Efforts to find a cure for Huntington’s disease received a boost on Saturday, Sept. 16, as participants made their way
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Ready, set, go raise money

The 21st Annual Huntington Indy Go-Kart Challenge was a huge success. The Winnipeg Chapter was able to raise $20,000 for HSC’s
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Still Going Strong

By Ellie, Isla, Anne and Marlene We are really doing it! It is Day 6 of walking and we just
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The 14th annual event raised more than $14,000 for Windsor-Essex families coping with the effects of Huntington disease. Click here to
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