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Genetic Non-Discrimination Act Gets to Second Reading

A Word from Our CEO By: Bev Heim-Myers February 10, 2014 As southern Ontario was digging out of a massive
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A Word from Our CEO

By: Bev Heim-Myers February 3, 2013 One evening last week I was caring for my almost-1-year-old grand-daughter.  She was well
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A Word From Our CEO

January 24, 2013 We have seen incredible breakthroughs in HD research over the last 2 years. Dr. Simonetta Sipione was
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Navigator and New Pathways Research Programs Open

Navigator Research Program The long standing Navigator Research Program supports HD researchers across Canada. This program supports basic scientific research
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A Word From Our CEO

January 17, 2014 The year 2014 is off to an amazing start for the HD community and all Canadians. Last
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A Word from Our CEO

January 10, 2013 Canadians think a lot about driving this time of year and what it takes to get where
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HSC Funded New Breakthrough Research

Stephen Ferguson, a scientist at Western University’s Robarts Research Institute, targeted one part of the complex process they think may
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Issue 142 2014 Winter Horizon Newsletter

Download the 2014 Winter Horizon Newsletter – Click here More Than Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Wellness A Successful First Step:
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Debate rages in insurance industry over genetic testing

New legislation is making its way through federal and provincial legislatures to ensure test results aren’t used to harm their
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A Word from Our CEO

January 3, 2014 News Year’s Eve was quiet and relaxed for us.  Missing the delightful squeals of grandchildren, now back
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We support those facing huntington disease
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