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Volume 13, Issue 8



Roche RG6042 Update

PRIME Designation Granted by European Medicines Agency for RG6042 for Treatment of Huntington disease
Huntington Society of Canada – August 2, 2018

On August 2, 2018, Roche and IONIS announced through a press release that the Huntingtin lowering therapy RG6042 has been granted PRIME designation by the European Medicines Agency. Click here to read the full summary on our website.

PRIME designation granted by European Medicines Agency for RG6042 for treatment of Huntington’s disease
Scientific Technology News – August 3, 2018

Roche announced that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has granted PRIME (PRIority MEdicines) designation for the company’s investigational medicine RG6042 (formerly known as IONIS-HTTRx) for the treatment of people with Huntington’s disease (HD). RG6042 has demonstrated its ability to reduce the toxic mutant huntingtin protein (mHTT), which is believed to be the underlying cause of HD, in a Phase I/IIa study. Click here to read the full article.

Legato-HD Update

Legato-HD Update
Huntington Society of Canada – July 31, 2018

Active Biotech released new updates on Legato-HD trial in a recent press release. Click here to read the full summary and press release.

Disappointing News from Legato-HD Trial of laquinimod in Huntington’s disease
HDBuzz – August 2, 2018

The LEGATO-HD trial of laquinimod to slow progression of Huntington’s disease did not meet its primary endpoint. What’s an endpoint, and what does this all mean for HD families? Click here to read the full article.

General Research News

HDBuzz Enrolls in Enroll-HD
HDBuzz – July 31, 2018

The Enroll-HD study is the largest clinical study in Huntington’s Disease ever. What’s it all about, and why is Enroll-HD so important in the fight against HD? Join HDBuzz’s own Jeff Carroll as he joins the Enroll-HD study to learn more. Click here to read the full article.

Huntington Society of Canada – Brain Canada Foundation Research Update Meeting

Are you interested in the latest HD research updates? You’re invited to join Dr. McBride, Dr. Stanimirovic, Dr. Alburob and Dr. Hayden as they share their most recent work conducted through their HSC – BCF grant! The meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 22 at 3:30pm to 5:30pm at Chan Auditorium BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (Entrance #18, 938 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver). Coffee and cookies will be served at 3:30pm, the update will begin at 4:00pm, followed by a question and answer session after the presentations. For more information, please email

Phase 2a Trial Investigates BP Medicine SOM3355 as Treatment for Chorea
Huntington’s Disease News – July 25, 2018

SOM3355 — a medicine approved for high blood pressure and chest pain — is being tested in a Phase 2 trial as a means to treat chorea in Huntington’s disease patients, SOM Biotech announced. Click here to read the full article.


Click here to check out the latest updates in Enroll-HD’s monthly bulletin.



HSC is happy to announce the opening of a new Resource Centre in the Halton/Peel area which will help to meet the increased need for support in that area. Ekta Hattangady has been hired as the new Resource Centre Director. Click here to read the full announcement.


Congratulations to the winner of the 2018 Amaryllis Campaign Early Bird Contest: Shirley C. from Saskatchewan! Are you looking for some Amaryllis selling tips? Click here to read our latest blog for great ideas from the Heppleston family.

Champion of Hope

Our Champion of Hope monthly donor Corinne supports the HD community every single day. Corinne says: “For us, it’s convenient. We like that it’s automatic, and that it helps reduce costs for the Huntington Society. And that means more of our gift goes to helping people”. Click here to learn more about monthly giving.

2018 HSC National Conference

Have you registered to attend the 2018 HSC National Conference in Kelowna, BC this November? This year’s conference will feature world-class speakers addressing the topics of breaking research, current clinical trials, music therapy, animal therapy and so much more. Click here for more information and to register!

Grillin’ and Chillin’ for a Cause

When Sophia’s Aunt gave her a wood burning kit for Christmas, she was excited because she loves doing crafts. But she had no idea the kit would help her raise over $500 for the Huntington Society of Canada. Click here to read the full story.



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