Together, with our Chapters, we officially launch the 2015 May HD Awareness Campaign.
Let’s celebrate the best of our community!
What’s our plan?
This year we are profiling several volunteers who have raised awareness in their communities and beyond. We invite you to read their stories and see how they choose to educate Canadians about HD.
Our campaign includes sharing stories with our Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter communities, asking media outlets to run our Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) and launching a special banner and information page on the HSC website. As we did in 2014, we will connect our message through our Do You Really Want To Know? PSA’s, which television stations, newspapers and radio stations provide to charities at no cost.
Our social media campaign will consist of messages geared to raise awareness over the course of the month. Be sure to check us out on social media, Facebook and Twitter in particular, throughout the month of May, as we are posting a photo a day to highlight some of our spectacular volunteers.
Consider joining the campaign. You have more influence locally than we do.
It’s easy; simply call your local radio station or community newspaper and ask if they would be interested in playing or printing the Huntington disease PSA on their stations or running our PSA ad in their paper. If the answer is yes, get their email address and call us at 1-800-998-7398. We’ll take care of the rest.
For those who wish to get more involved we have provided a media background sheet and more information about HSC’s media initiatives on our website on the Media Tab. This is where you can find our media background sheet, which provides a description of what Huntington disease is and the services the Huntington Society of Canada provides across Canada. These are resources you can take to the media directly and ask them to highlight HD in the month of May. They may even ask if they can interview you!
Together we can raise awareness in every community across Canada. Thank you! If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing
Here’s to a successful 2015 May Awareness Campaign.