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Give Monthly

Monthly Giving Makes a Difference

Will you help us improve the quality of life for individuals and families facing Huntington disease (HD)? We’re looking for monthly donors to help us provide consistent support to those affected.

Every dollar has an impact, and monthly giving provides sustainable funding that supports HSC’s commitment to research and providing care services. Monthly donors can register for hassle-free payments through authorized credit or bank transfer donations, and receive a consolidated tax receipt each year outlining their annual contributions.

To learn more about monthly giving or to register offline, contact Robyn St. Jules by email or at extension 121.

Monthly Gifts provide:

  • $10/month shares educational materials and consultations to a long-term care facility to help a person with HD
  • $25/month provides a mentor the support and resources required to mentor a youth from our HD community
  • $30/month enhances direct support services for someone with HD, including counselling, referrals and recreational programs
  • $50/month helps fund leading-edge research, providing hope to everyone dealing with HD
  • $100/month funds a community support group for one year, providing help to 20 families

Thank you: At the Huntington Society of Canada, we are extremely appreciative of those who support our organization and recognizing your contribution is critical in allowing us to say thank you.


We support those facing huntington disease
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Copyright © Huntington Society of Canada. All Rights Reserved. Charitable Registration Number 11896 5516 RR0001