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Ready, Set…Grow!

Spring time and flowers go together. The longer, warmer days with thoughts of winter behind us make it a great time to plan what we grow.

Amaryllis Image 2011

Volunteers look forward to May as the time the Amaryllis campaign starts to grow, too.

Every year the beloved Amaryllis brightens homes and offices. Our trademark Orange Souvereign raises awareness and over $100,000 for programs and services.

To encourage early ordering, this year we are excited to offer a FitBit Flex Wireless Activity Wristband as our early bird prize. Submit your order before July 1, 2015 and you will be entered in a draw to win a Fitbit. This is our way of thanking you for your dedication to this campaign and to inspire our most active Amaryllis supporters to get their orders in. Placing your order early helps to save costs on shipping.

As an added incentive to grow our network, for people who are ordering a case or more for the first time, we are offering a second FitBit. You can help us find new sellers. Every new person who orders a case by ordering online, by mail or by phone, before July 1st will be entered into a draw for a new FitBit. This will help us grow for the future.

Together we have many great reasons to inspire others to remember that each and every Amaryllis we sell holds the promise of a world free from HD. Please make your order today by visiting or, if you prefer, please call us directly at 1-800-998-7398 or email me at

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