The focus of the last day of CHDI HD Therapeutics Conference was biomarkers and clinical trials, with a dash of laughter thrown in.
Our friend, Dr. Ed Wild, helped open the morning presentations and, as always, his presentation was informative, humorous and brilliant.
He truly makes research accessible.
The global HD community is truly fortunate to have an organization like CHDI supporting research. Their contribution to better understanding the path to HD therapeutic treatments is significant and made possible because of kind philanthropic individuals who believe that CHDI will make a difference.
HSC plays a significant role in this research process. We have built a critical mass of excellent researchers in Canada and continue to feed the HD research pipeline.
We are also ensuring that we are ready for clinical trials and working on mechanisms to increase the communication between bench researchers and clinicians.
We all play a role but the most important role is played by the individuals and families who participate in clinical trials. Without their courage and commitment, everything would stop.
We are all in this together and we have good reason to be hopeful.
Please go to HDBuzz to read about the presentations. HDBuzz is, in part, funded by donors of HSC and it is a great place to see the impact of donations at work.
Bev Heim-Myers
Chief Executive Officer